The Tudors is about the years of the rule of one of in my opion the greatest monarchs and dynasty's in history. Within this series it follows all the major events that took place during his reign such as the dissolution of the mositries and the down fall of the catholic church. It is both gripping and dramatic at the same time and the best bit is that we get to see a lot of Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Henry Cavill; and for you people of the male gender well you have Natalie Dormer.

The first interesting fact for you is one that you might already know if you looks at a picture of the Tudors. The T in the logo is three fold, the first stands for Tudor, the second is a cross and the third is a sword pointing downwards.
As you may already know Henry VIII is notorious for having six wives during his 38 years as king of England. One interesting fact about the TV drama is that they spelt all the names of his six wives correctly.
One of the Characters that makes his first appearance due to the change in religion of the country at the time is Thomas Cromwell. He is present mainly during the dissolution of the monasteries and introduced both Boylen and Henry to the fantastic and very new books of the time, one being the obedience of the Christian man. Whilst on the subject of Cromwell, James Farain (who plays him) later went on the play Lord Warwick on the mini series The White Queen (2013), which focuses on Henry's grandmother Elizabeth Woodvillie. He also played a prominent role as the Spanish ambassador in Elizabeth (1998) a movie that chronologically takes place after this series.
The series shows nearly all of the interesting facts that we know about the Tudor dynasty. One such fact is that Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham lays claim to the English crown by being the descendent of Edward II.
During his reign, Henry had many affairs as his main goal was to produce a male heir. One affair that is portrayed perfectly during the TV series is that with Bessie Blount. She was unmarried and had Henry's son Henry Fitzroy. He died in 1536 shortly after Anne Bolyen's execution and he was 17 years old.
So this brings me to the end. I hope that you have enjoyed this post and i hope it has been very informative but not too nerdy (im a little bit of a history geek). So i bid a due and remember as Henry says during the show, You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning.

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