Hello everybody, i am taking a different direction in this post and writing about one of the newest forms of social media, and that is YouTube.
YouTube was created back in 2005, it was originally set up be 3 pay pal employees but in the back end of 2006 it was taken over by Google. YouTube is used all over the world and for many reasons. Some use it for educational reasons, some to connect with people, some to promote music and art and some to have fun and make people laugh.
I first came across YouTube back in 2006 and first started watching episodes of my favourite Disney channel Television shows and watch the latest music videos. Fast forwarding to 2007 and i started subscribing to YouTube accounts. 2010 i used it for educational purposes and started watching documentaries to help me with my A-level sociology. 2011/2012 i started subscribing to more YouTubers and my list is ever growing.
One thing that i admire about YouTubers and the YouTuber community is the unity that they show. YouTubers from all over the world become united on one site and become some of the closest people. One thing i have noticed over the years is how some viewers of the YouTubers have said how they idealise them and how much they have helped them in times where they have been at their lowest point.
This is one of the major factors i admire about all the YouTubers, probably with out knowing it themselves they manage to pin point a certain factor in a young adults life where they may be struggling and they say something that will help the viewer alter their opinions on themselves and other people. Different YouTubers manage to do this in different ways, some do it through just sitting and talking to a camera, so through song, some through comedy but they all have the same one quality; and that is that when you've had a bad day or a bad year or even a good day they are always there for any individual and they are always positive.
However when i sometimes watch these videos i feel for the YouTubers. One main reason is espically when they go to events or meet and greets a lot of them talk about how the viewers can be intense, or how there are so many of them that they feel they don't get enough time with every individual person.
A lot of people on the internet like to club together what i have observed and call it 'YouTube culture'. Personally i don't like to call it 'YouTube culture' as it is applying that it is totally different from what people did before YouTube. I like to think of it more as a shift in society. This is because society is changing, we are now in a digital age which means more children and young adults are spending time on the internet therefore are going to focus their aspirations towards those people on the internet that are always there for them.
After that deep few paragraphs i would like to point you in the direction of some YouTubers that i enjoy watching and that have helped me in low points. The first one is Carrie Hope Flecter (itswaypastmybedtime), Carrie is the first You Tuber i subscribed to after watching her first Dear Tom video and then watching all of the songs she has covered. To this day she remains one of my favourite YouTubers. The next one is PetesJams the reason for subscribing to his channel in all honesty is that he loves Disney just like Carrie and his covers again are amazing. My third subscription was Patty Walters and the reason behind this is that his covers of some of my favourite songs were amazing and i admire that he is straight edge. Another person i would like to point you in the direction of is Emma Blackery, the reason i enjoy her videos is that she reminds me so much of myself. Another one of my subscriptions is SprinkleofGlitter, i love her videos as she always so cheery and often included baby glitter who is ever so cute. The final person and my most recent subscription is thisbedottie. I subscribed to her because her recent video was so deep and amazing just like the rest of her videos. So if your reading this and thinking hhmm i want to join this YouTube i would recommend all of the people i have just mentioned above.
So this brings me to the end of my very lengthy and deep post about one of my favourite things on the internet. I hope you have enjoyed this post and my thoughts about the things i have talked about. This post was inspired by all of the people i have mentioned in this post and other You tubers. Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment. until next time .... Goodbye!
Friday, 29 August 2014
Tuesday, 26 August 2014
Dear Helen- Doctor Who Weekend
I am now back from all my holidays :). Monday was really good nice to act a bit random and not have a care in the world. Also was very good seeing the lovely David and Emily. I told you that Lush was Lush ;). Milton Keynes is a MUSTT!!! as we always have so much fun there and we can drag Tom round loads of girlie shops (nothing new there i know).
Okay i will do that post aswell although it might take me a while as i will have to condense my list as it is soooo long. also it might be on my 2nd blog i haven't decided yet :).
Well i guess the next thing that needs to be mentioned is DOCTOR WHO IS BACK !!!!. What did you think of the new doctor and the new series. Unfortunately i didn't get to watch all of it as i was in a caravan and people outside were quite interesting lol. But i have recorded it to watch again.
I think i am in need of a Disney/ Pixar marathon, mind you im always in the mood for Disney/Pixar. Fish are friends not food, Just keep swimming just keep swimming.
Thank you for all the Snapchat photos whilst i was on holiday some were amusing and the random doctor who quote texts were also good :)
I am going to bring it to an end now as i need to go and cook dinner, but until next time ... Fez's are cool, and fish fingers and custard ;)
I am now back from all my holidays :). Monday was really good nice to act a bit random and not have a care in the world. Also was very good seeing the lovely David and Emily. I told you that Lush was Lush ;). Milton Keynes is a MUSTT!!! as we always have so much fun there and we can drag Tom round loads of girlie shops (nothing new there i know).
Okay i will do that post aswell although it might take me a while as i will have to condense my list as it is soooo long. also it might be on my 2nd blog i haven't decided yet :).
Well i guess the next thing that needs to be mentioned is DOCTOR WHO IS BACK !!!!. What did you think of the new doctor and the new series. Unfortunately i didn't get to watch all of it as i was in a caravan and people outside were quite interesting lol. But i have recorded it to watch again.
I think i am in need of a Disney/ Pixar marathon, mind you im always in the mood for Disney/Pixar. Fish are friends not food, Just keep swimming just keep swimming.
Thank you for all the Snapchat photos whilst i was on holiday some were amusing and the random doctor who quote texts were also good :)
I am going to bring it to an end now as i need to go and cook dinner, but until next time ... Fez's are cool, and fish fingers and custard ;)
Saturday, 16 August 2014
Dear Helen - The week where i am slow at posting
As you know i haven't been able to post much this past week as i have been on holiday (yay!). I've just spent the last week in sunny Great Yarmouth; well i say sunny it was little sunny then a little rainy and then a little bit thunderstormy. However being the great people we are we sat in a cafe on the seafront and sat and watched the storm. I am posting a few posts this week as guess what ... im going on holiday again on Wednesday.
My holiday has been good, ive done all the British seasidey things, such as: crazy golf (lost), Air Hockey (i won 3-1), 2p machines, ice cream, doughnuts and the must do thing at the seaside... fish and chips. I had one upsetting bit as you know but thanks to you, Amy and Nay (my two friends at home), Emily and Steph Sharman i soon felt a lot better and got myself back to the person i was a month ago (for those people that are confused i was completely loopy and now im back to that =D ). So i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again =D.
I need you opinion (and everyone else's). I think i am going to start another blog on travelling. I thought i could write about places that i have been too and places that i would like to visit. What do you reckon?.
I did manage to finish my blanket on time and made two pillow cases aswell :). I'm sorry to hear about your theory test but hey look on the bright side i have failed twice so now we can help each other out. I reckon that you can count your trip to Leicester as your second holiday after all you will be in a different county. Remember we need to save up this year to go and see Les Miserabels, but i was thinking that we could go down a lot sooner and get last Min tickets to see some other shows too. We could also keep and eye out for concerts :).
I'm running out of things to say now so im going to go and drink my cup of tea, and in the spirit of our conversation i will leave a cool video.
Hasta Luego!
As you know i haven't been able to post much this past week as i have been on holiday (yay!). I've just spent the last week in sunny Great Yarmouth; well i say sunny it was little sunny then a little rainy and then a little bit thunderstormy. However being the great people we are we sat in a cafe on the seafront and sat and watched the storm. I am posting a few posts this week as guess what ... im going on holiday again on Wednesday.
My holiday has been good, ive done all the British seasidey things, such as: crazy golf (lost), Air Hockey (i won 3-1), 2p machines, ice cream, doughnuts and the must do thing at the seaside... fish and chips. I had one upsetting bit as you know but thanks to you, Amy and Nay (my two friends at home), Emily and Steph Sharman i soon felt a lot better and got myself back to the person i was a month ago (for those people that are confused i was completely loopy and now im back to that =D ). So i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again =D.
I need you opinion (and everyone else's). I think i am going to start another blog on travelling. I thought i could write about places that i have been too and places that i would like to visit. What do you reckon?.
I did manage to finish my blanket on time and made two pillow cases aswell :). I'm sorry to hear about your theory test but hey look on the bright side i have failed twice so now we can help each other out. I reckon that you can count your trip to Leicester as your second holiday after all you will be in a different county. Remember we need to save up this year to go and see Les Miserabels, but i was thinking that we could go down a lot sooner and get last Min tickets to see some other shows too. We could also keep and eye out for concerts :).
I'm running out of things to say now so im going to go and drink my cup of tea, and in the spirit of our conversation i will leave a cool video.
Hasta Luego!
Helloo readers, hope you have all had a good week. This blog post is going to be about a band that is a supergroup. This supergroup is made up of 2 of my faveurate bands from my childhood. These two bands my friends are McFly and Busted, who joined forces to create the one and only McBusted.
This year McFly celebrated their 10th anniversary and marked it with a stunning performance at the Royal Albert Hall. During this performance the fans were treated to a special appearance by Busted members James Bourne and Matt Willis. During their surprise appearance Busted along with McFly sang 3 songs: Year 3000, Air Hostess and Shine a Light. This then sparked rumours of a comeback for Busted.
On November 11th 2013 McBusted announced a 11 date tour in 2014. On the 14th November 2013 the tickets went on sale and within minutes they had sold out. This led to the band announcing six more tour dates which then sold out just as quickly. On the 17th November they added another four bringing the total dates up to 20. Not long after this more dates were added finally bringing up the total to 34 tour dates.
Shortly after this McBusted made their first television appearance on Children in Need singing a medley of songs.
On the 20th May, i got the amazing opportunity to see the boys in concert with my amazing friend (it was the best 21st birthday present i could have wished for). We saw them play at Nottingham and it lived up to the expectation we had built up the months before hand.
The atmosphere as we walked into the arena was immense and you could feel the excitement from all the people in the crowd, and everyone in the crowd that we spoke to was lovely and very well mannered which made the experience so much better.
The 3 support acts were good but the best of the 3 were Hollywood Ending (i will do a separate post on these later on). After they had performed it was finally time for MCBUSTED. Entering in a delorean Matt and James were the first to enter the stage and with a puff of smoke and some trap door up popped Mcfly.

One of the best bits of the concert was when they were on their spaceship in the middle of the arena and Dougie interacted with the crowd. (Dougie and Matt are my fave). Whilst on the spaceship Dougie's guitar broke and someone was invited to go and play bass with him ( this was then immediately shot down by security as it was deemed dangerous).
Finally after many more hits by the boys and Jackson 5 the best song in my opinion was played (year 3000) and with this came confetti cannons, and epicness (what else to expect from one of their biggest songs during their combined years in the music business).
This brings me to the end of this post, i hope you have enjoyed it and that my photography skills weren't too bad. I had to limit this post as i could have written much more about the tour because it was so good. So this is me signing off as im going to the Year 3000 to Crash a wedding.. (i hope you liked what i did there ;) )
This year McFly celebrated their 10th anniversary and marked it with a stunning performance at the Royal Albert Hall. During this performance the fans were treated to a special appearance by Busted members James Bourne and Matt Willis. During their surprise appearance Busted along with McFly sang 3 songs: Year 3000, Air Hostess and Shine a Light. This then sparked rumours of a comeback for Busted.
On November 11th 2013 McBusted announced a 11 date tour in 2014. On the 14th November 2013 the tickets went on sale and within minutes they had sold out. This led to the band announcing six more tour dates which then sold out just as quickly. On the 17th November they added another four bringing the total dates up to 20. Not long after this more dates were added finally bringing up the total to 34 tour dates.
Shortly after this McBusted made their first television appearance on Children in Need singing a medley of songs.
On the 20th May, i got the amazing opportunity to see the boys in concert with my amazing friend (it was the best 21st birthday present i could have wished for). We saw them play at Nottingham and it lived up to the expectation we had built up the months before hand.
The atmosphere as we walked into the arena was immense and you could feel the excitement from all the people in the crowd, and everyone in the crowd that we spoke to was lovely and very well mannered which made the experience so much better.
The 3 support acts were good but the best of the 3 were Hollywood Ending (i will do a separate post on these later on). After they had performed it was finally time for MCBUSTED. Entering in a delorean Matt and James were the first to enter the stage and with a puff of smoke and some trap door up popped Mcfly.

One of the best bits of the concert was when they were on their spaceship in the middle of the arena and Dougie interacted with the crowd. (Dougie and Matt are my fave). Whilst on the spaceship Dougie's guitar broke and someone was invited to go and play bass with him ( this was then immediately shot down by security as it was deemed dangerous).
Finally after many more hits by the boys and Jackson 5 the best song in my opinion was played (year 3000) and with this came confetti cannons, and epicness (what else to expect from one of their biggest songs during their combined years in the music business).
This brings me to the end of this post, i hope you have enjoyed it and that my photography skills weren't too bad. I had to limit this post as i could have written much more about the tour because it was so good. So this is me signing off as im going to the Year 3000 to Crash a wedding.. (i hope you liked what i did there ;) )
Thursday, 7 August 2014
Avengers Age of Ulton
Hello wonderful readers. For this blog post i thought that i would do something different i am writing this post on the new avengers film coming out in April next year. So if you are a fan of anything to do with Marvel or just one or two of the Marvel films (captain America is my favourite) then stick around because this post might just be for you.
The first instalment of this film entitled Avengers Assemble (in the uk) was one of the biggest hits in 2012. In this film superheroes Iron man, Capitan America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and HawkEye are brought together by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D to help protect the world from Loki (Thor's brother). It ultimately ends with S.H.I.E.L.D being destroyed. This leads on to the much awaited sequel.
In the second movie Tony Stark (Iron Man) creates Ultron, a self swear, self teaching artificial intelligence who can asses threats and control Stark's iron legion. However the main plot begins when Ultron decides that humans are the main enemy and sets out to eradicate them from earth.
When talks of a squeal to the Avengers the villain was going to be Thanos, however Ultron was decided to be the better choice. One of the main reasons for this was that Thanos was never meant to be the next villain as he has always been the overlord of villainy and darkness. Director Joss Whedon described Ulton as the perfect villain as he always has a bee in his bonnet and hes always trying to destroy the Avengers.
This film will mark the first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance of Thor without Loki and Erik Selvig. This film differs a little from the Marvel comics as in the comics Ultron is created by Ant-Man but in the film it will be created by Tony Stark.
So this brings me to the end of this post, i hope you enjoyed this little insight to the film. I hope that it has been informative but mysterious and i hope all of you that are superhero geeks (like me and all my friends at uni) will be quieng up to see this film. This is me signing off but i think the last line will be fitting if it came from Nick Fury so here we go ........ Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.
The first instalment of this film entitled Avengers Assemble (in the uk) was one of the biggest hits in 2012. In this film superheroes Iron man, Capitan America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and HawkEye are brought together by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D to help protect the world from Loki (Thor's brother). It ultimately ends with S.H.I.E.L.D being destroyed. This leads on to the much awaited sequel.
In the second movie Tony Stark (Iron Man) creates Ultron, a self swear, self teaching artificial intelligence who can asses threats and control Stark's iron legion. However the main plot begins when Ultron decides that humans are the main enemy and sets out to eradicate them from earth.
When talks of a squeal to the Avengers the villain was going to be Thanos, however Ultron was decided to be the better choice. One of the main reasons for this was that Thanos was never meant to be the next villain as he has always been the overlord of villainy and darkness. Director Joss Whedon described Ulton as the perfect villain as he always has a bee in his bonnet and hes always trying to destroy the Avengers.
This film will mark the first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance of Thor without Loki and Erik Selvig. This film differs a little from the Marvel comics as in the comics Ultron is created by Ant-Man but in the film it will be created by Tony Stark.
So this brings me to the end of this post, i hope you enjoyed this little insight to the film. I hope that it has been informative but mysterious and i hope all of you that are superhero geeks (like me and all my friends at uni) will be quieng up to see this film. This is me signing off but i think the last line will be fitting if it came from Nick Fury so here we go ........ Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.
Sunday, 3 August 2014
Dear Helen - The one where i have a new family member
Hello my friend
I am back again, OMG How to train your dragon 2 is AMAZINGG!! seen it twice lol, and Toothless has to be the best character. I cant believe that we will soon be trusted to teach a whole class of children, somehow that seems weird to me but im sure that we will be awesome CLASS WARRSSSS !!!! :P.
I didn't know we were having a Christmas theme birthday party but now when i think about it, that would be pretty awesome :).
Something very exciting happened this week, you can probably tell by the title. I HAVE A NEW BABY COUSIN =). She is so adorable and cant wait to see her tomorrow. (she is going to be so spoilt at Christmas)
I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip and didn't buy too much ( but you secretly know that i hope you bought loads, have to keep up appearances ;) ) I cant wait to go shopping when i come back to Northampton its going to be good. Also i think that Me, You, Tom, David and Emily are long over due a cinema trip or an indoor/outdoor BBQ.
You might notice by now that i am running out of things to say now. ohh i forgot to say that my Dear Helen blogs might be a bit delayed for the next 2 weeks as i am going on holiday so will have to wait till i have an internet connection ;).
So i am going to leave it there for this week, i hope you enjoyed this random post. I'm going to watch the last day of the Commonwealth Games (we are do well =) ) .. and as its the last day of the Games in Scotland i will leave you a relatable video ;) ...
I am back again, OMG How to train your dragon 2 is AMAZINGG!! seen it twice lol, and Toothless has to be the best character. I cant believe that we will soon be trusted to teach a whole class of children, somehow that seems weird to me but im sure that we will be awesome CLASS WARRSSSS !!!! :P.
I didn't know we were having a Christmas theme birthday party but now when i think about it, that would be pretty awesome :).
Something very exciting happened this week, you can probably tell by the title. I HAVE A NEW BABY COUSIN =). She is so adorable and cant wait to see her tomorrow. (she is going to be so spoilt at Christmas)
I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip and didn't buy too much ( but you secretly know that i hope you bought loads, have to keep up appearances ;) ) I cant wait to go shopping when i come back to Northampton its going to be good. Also i think that Me, You, Tom, David and Emily are long over due a cinema trip or an indoor/outdoor BBQ.
You might notice by now that i am running out of things to say now. ohh i forgot to say that my Dear Helen blogs might be a bit delayed for the next 2 weeks as i am going on holiday so will have to wait till i have an internet connection ;).
So i am going to leave it there for this week, i hope you enjoyed this random post. I'm going to watch the last day of the Commonwealth Games (we are do well =) ) .. and as its the last day of the Games in Scotland i will leave you a relatable video ;) ...
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