Monday, 10 November 2014

My top 10 McFly Songs

2014 was a landmark year for Mcfly. This year they reached their 10th anniversary, but not only was it their 10th year together; they also joined forces with James Bourne and Matt Willis to form the super group McBusted. So in honour of this these are my top 10 McFly songs.

#10- Obviously
#09- Surfer Babe
#08- Party Girl
#07- That Girl
#06- Transylvania
#05- Five Colours
#04- All about you
#03- Shine a Light
#02- Star Girl
#01- Love is on the radio
Thank you for reading and until next time... have a good day =)

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Bad Education - Best Moments

Seeing as Bad Education has sadly reached its end i thought i would do a Best Moments post. just a little summary for those of you who haven't watched it before (i don't know why you would have its awesome). Alfie (Jack Whitehall) is a young teacher in charge or form K, who are the schools worst performing class in the school. With a lot of laughs and adult jokes it is a well round comedy TV show. so im going to share my top 5 moments. 

#5- Alfie's interpretation of the offside rule 

#4- Alfie's chicken prank

#3- The trust exercise 

#2- Some getting peckish in a garden centre 


Thursday, 23 October 2014

Disney Songs - My Top 10

Happy everyone, i hope your having a fantastic October.

As i have mentioned on probably more than one occasion that i am a major Disney fan, and there's nothing i love more than sitting with fellow Disneytons (yeah not a real word but i just made it up) mainly Helen and sticking on a good classic Disney tune. So this is a run down of 10 of my most loved songs:

10- Spoon full of sugar (Mary Poppins)
09- Colours of the wind (Pocahontas)
08- Kiss the girl (The Little Mermaid)
07- Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book)
06- Friend like me (Aladdin)
05- Under the sea (The Little Mermaid)
04- One jump (Aladdin)
03- Once upon a dream (Sleeping Beauty)
02- Poor unfortunate souls (The Little Mermaid)
01- Be Prepared (The Lion King)

So thats my top ten all time favourite Disney songs of all time. Hope you liked it and till next time.... Cheerio!

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Coronation Street - My fave characters past and present

Helloo everyone. Recently i spoke to some very nice people on twitter about characters in Coronation Street and i enjoyed it so much i inspired me to write a blog post on it. So i had a long think and chose 4 characters that are current or have left the show. Lets get started..

i would have to say that Graham is one on my all time favourite characters that has walked on the famous cobbles. He came into the show as David Platt's best friend, and through out his time on the street he was a butcher, window cleaner and gardener.While he was on the street he provided the much needed laughs and helped keep the show on an even keel.

The next character that i personally think was a great character was that of Sain powers. Sian first graced the cobbles as Sophie Webster's best friend. After starting up a relationship with Ryan Conner and then it becoming a unstable relationship (breaking up and getting together numerous times) she then realised the person she truly loved was Sophie Webster. This was not only played brilliantly by both actresses but it was also the fist time Corrie had shown a lesbian relationship and it was perceived very well by the viewers. unfortunately in December 2011 after Sophie having second thoughts about their wedding Sian left the cobbles.

Another character that i personally think is a brilliant addition to the cobbles is Mary. When Mary first came to the cobbles she was a bit of a strange character, but after seeing what her relationship with her mother is like she has won a place in many hearts up and down the country. And also who doesn't love the friendship between Mary and Norris.

Finally we have Kirk. I have been watching Coronation Street for as long as i can remember and Kirk has always been on of my favourite characters. The main reason for this is because he is a little bit slow be extremely funny. At the moment i think he is with the perfect person for him and the chemistry between him and Beth is amazing.

I hope you enjoyed my post and feel free to let me know who your favourite characters are and why. Thank you again for reading and until next time ... Goodbye!

Friday, 26 September 2014

Dear Helen - The end

So it has arrived. The last Dear Helen blog post. You know what this means. Yeah we have to actually start doing uni work. However there is a plus side as i will finally get to see all the lovely people i havent seen in 5 months. (wow that has gone quick)

The summer has been amazing espcially the holdiay,and the lush shopping was a much needed therapy.  However i am thinking that the trip to see me will have to move to the christmas break or easter break.

As this is the end (for now) i also think there will a lot more to blog about. I think that the ammount of Disney posts will almost double and you never know we might decide to each set up another blog and venture into something totally different. I cant wait till christmas party season arrives as we can cover the house in snow .. i like snow!

So as i have come to the end i just want to say thank you to everyone who has read these and i have had so much fun typing theses and finding the videos as i got to share some awesome videos and pictures. Peace and quite? i think i will be coming back to the uni house for a rest :P. Until Monday, have a good weekend and stay awesome :)

And now the videos .......

Sunday, 21 September 2014

IM5 (Band)

Helloo everybody, hope you are all feeling good today. My post today is a music one, more specifically its on a new band that i have just started listening to. This band is as you can see from the title .. IM5.

IM5 have some amazing songs and to go with the amazing songs have some killer dance moves. As you can guess there are 5 members ..

Dana Vaughns
Cole Pendery
Gabe Morales
Will Jay
David Scarzone

I first came across this boy band when i found a video on YouTube called Disney Dudez. In this video each of the members took a role as a Disney Dude. In this series of 3 videos each member was a different Disney dude. Dana was Beast from beauty and the beast, Cole was Prince Eric from the Little Mermaid, Gabe was Aladdin from Aladdin, Will was  Shang . From the time between the first Disney Dudez and the second there was a change in one of the members Dalton who was Prince Charming left and in came David as Prince Philip from sleeping beauty. In Disney Dudez 2 he did do a good cover of let it go dressed as Elsa from frozen. If you like Disney i recommend this series of videos as they are funny and they contain the Disney songs that we all know and love.

IM5's music was  on the Disney channel original movie Let it shine. Their first digitally released single 'Everything about you' caught the eye of Radio Disney, and was play continuously for the rest of the year. This led to IM5 being the headliner at many Radio Disney events.

Recently they released 2 more singles 'get to know you' and 'heartless'. Personally if you like RnB and pop i would recommend giving these tracks a listen cus not only have you got amazing songs, the boys also perform some killer dance moves and they all look good doing it.

This brings me to the end of this post, i hope you enjoyed this post, its a bit of a short one but i wanted to do this post for a while. Thank you for reading it and until next time .. goodbye and have a fantastic day/evening.

Friday, 19 September 2014

Dear Helen - Only a week left

As you can see from the title i have also noted that we hardly have any of our summer off. We can fill the gaps with more Amazing posts about Disney and stuff, plus we have always got SHOPPING!!

i know i cant believe i didn't realise why it was called the elephant love meledy either i think i need to learn to pay attention to what is going on instead of singing along to the songs ;)

I'm glad you liked my Disney post. I do like Tarzan but i had soo many to choose from and it was one of the movies i didn't have as a child so i didn't watch it much, im sure i will love it by the end of this year tho :).

I have become addicted to Disney songs and my Disney playlist on spotify so we can annoy Tom with that :). Also i have become slightly obsessed with a new band who just happen to be really really really good looking ... IM5 . (Gabe and Cole are epically nice looking)

I have also learnt how to make new and wonderful things so you, Tom, David, Emily and whoever else is in the house at the time will be trying my delicious new bakes. I feel like im on the great British bake off lol.

well i think i should bring it to an end here or else we will have nothing to talk about :) mind you when has that ever been an issue with us :). Oh and Bad Education was really good so glad its back CLASS WARS!!!

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Disney - My top 10

Hello everybody. This blog post as you can see by the title is about Disney films. I have loved Disney ever since i was tiny and it has a very special place in my heart. When i was a kid i watched loads with my brother and had loads on video (VHS - that makes me feel old). When i say Disney im going to narrow it down to animated films as they so good and i love animation. So let get going ....

10) Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - First Disney animation so has to be in this list
  9) Lady and the Tramp - I like this film as its romantic and they have the cool spaghetti scene :)
  8) Beauty and the Beast - Amazing songs and it has a talking teapot how cool :)
  7) The Arisocats - Smooth jazz songs and its about cats :)
  6) The Jungle Book - Singing bear and and awesome panther :)
  5) Fox and the Hound - Cute dog, cute fox
  4) Aladdin - Robin Williams as the genie :)
  3) Pocahontas - Based on a real person and amazing songs
  2) Lion king - Really catchy songs, it has lions in it and Zazu has to be the best animated bird

And finally my favourite animated Disney film is ...

1) The little mermaid - This one is very close to my heart and i can nearly recite the whole movie and can sing all the songs word for word. It will remain my favourite Disney film and who doesn't love Flounder :) Plus it has Sebastian (crab) and who doesn't love prince Eric

That brings me to the end of my post. I have forced on films before 2000 as i was focusing on my childhood years. Hope you all enjoyed it and feel free to leave a comment i'd love to hear your lists. Also i need to thank my friend Helen for giving me the inspiration for this from her Disney film post. Goodbye!!

Monday, 8 September 2014

Dear Helen - A week late


First of all i am sorry that i am soooo late uploading this. Your snapchats have been amazing this week, but i think we need to talk about the herbal tea thing (joke!). Pierre was soo cute. 

I am also enjoying the new doctor, i think its going back to the same humour as series 1 (2005). I thought the best episode so far was Robot of Sherwood but i have to admit the dinosaur was pretty cool. Shame it died but least it can say here i stand and here ill stay (get it :P ) 

we really need to have a Disney day, i have also been listening to Disney songs. The two songs ive been listening to most often recently is One jump and Poor unfortunate souls. I went one better and also watched the films which were AMAZING!!!! ( Tarzan is an amazing film also) 

I watched Moulin Rouge with my friend Amy on Thursday and as per usual it was amazing. I also finally worked out why they call it the elephant love medley. (i feel slightly dumb at this revelation lol). 

I hope you enjoyed my pics of the doggies i was dog sitting this weekend. I think i made a new friend in the puppy as she followed me everywhere. I also saw some really pretty fireworks this weekend :). 
One last thing before i go, i cant wait to go on holiday again next year and it will be even more awesome as 1 or maybe 2 awesome friends of mine are joining us :) 

So im going to leave it there, i hope you enjoyed this post and again sorry its soo late i will get back on track promise :). I will now leave you with some videos that have a link within the post. So until next time ..... Viszontlátásra!

Monday, 1 September 2014

Looking for JJ (Book)

Hello everyone, this post is taking another direction than normal. This year sees one of my favourite books celebrating its 10th anniversary. This book is called Looking for JJ by Anne Cassidy. So for these two reasons i thought i would do a book review for you lovely people reading this.

Just a little warning before we begin, there may be some spoilers ahead but i shall try and keep them to a minimum.

So the reader joins 17 year old Alice, who is working in a coffee shop and lives with her foster mother Rosie until she goes to university. She also has a loving boyfriend, so from the viewers point of view she has a relativity normal life. However when a story on Jennifer Jones appears in the newspaper things start to take a turn.

After this the reader then learns who Jennifer Jones is and Anne Cassidy perfectly portrays how someone deals with having a huge secret and try and function in a normal society.

Jennifer Jones was only 10 when it happened. She had moved to a new area, a new school and of course had to make new friends. Her mother did a job that Jennifer didn't understand but she knew that people came to the house and then they would leave again. As time goes on Jennifer makes friends with Michelle and she becomes the domineering friend in the group. As Jennifer is a neglected little girl she is prone to bouts of violence when somebody annoys her.

On the day that it happened Jennifer's mother is having a photo shoot done in the house, however when her agent says that her looks are not convincing enough she has the idea to sell her daughter. Luckily Jennifer had gone out to play with her friends.

Cassidy then does a fantastic job of unrevealing the story of what happened to Jennifer and how Alice was coping knowing that journalists were trying to expose her for what her past holds. Cassidy also does very well interweaving some very adult topics which by some writers might fall into the taboo category. This is accompanied by some fantastic imagery and a very good storyline from beginning to the end.

So this brings me to the end of this book review. I hope you enjoyed it. Like i have already said i high recommend this book as it one of those where you get hooked within the first few pages. Also if you did enjoy this review and decide to read the book, or if you love the book as much as me .... There is a sequel. I found this out earlier this week, Anne Cassidy published the sequel earlier this year as its been 10 years since Looking for JJ. The sequel is called Looking for Jennifer Jones and is available on Amazon for £5. Thank you again and until next time ..... Goodbye!

Friday, 29 August 2014


Hello everybody, i am taking a different direction in this post and writing about one of the newest forms of social media, and that is YouTube.

YouTube was created back in 2005, it was originally set up be 3 pay pal employees but in the back end of 2006 it was taken over by Google. YouTube is used all over the world and for many reasons. Some use it for educational reasons, some to connect with people, some to promote music and art and some to have fun and make people laugh.

I first came across YouTube back in 2006 and first started watching episodes of my favourite Disney channel Television shows and watch the latest music videos. Fast forwarding to 2007 and i started subscribing to YouTube accounts. 2010 i used it for educational purposes and started watching documentaries to help me with my A-level sociology. 2011/2012 i started subscribing to more YouTubers and my list is ever growing.

One thing that i admire about YouTubers and the YouTuber community is the unity that they show. YouTubers from all over the world become united on one site and become some of the closest people. One thing i have noticed over the years is how some viewers of the YouTubers have said how they idealise them and how much they have helped them in times where they have been at their lowest point.

This is one of the major factors i admire about all the YouTubers, probably with out knowing it themselves they manage to pin point a certain factor in a young adults life where they may be struggling and they say something that will help the viewer alter their opinions on themselves and other people. Different YouTubers manage to do this in different ways, some do it through just sitting and talking to a camera, so through song, some through comedy but they all have the same one quality; and that is that when you've had a bad day or a bad year or even a good day they are always there for any individual and they are always positive.

However when i sometimes watch these videos i feel for the YouTubers. One main reason is espically when they go to events or meet and greets a lot of them talk about how the viewers can be intense, or how there are so many of them that they feel they don't get enough time with every individual person.

A lot of people on the internet like to club together what i have observed and call it 'YouTube culture'. Personally i don't like to call it 'YouTube culture' as it is applying that it is totally different from what people did before YouTube. I like to think of it more as a shift in society. This is because society is changing, we are now in a digital age which means more children and young adults are spending time on the internet therefore are going to focus their aspirations towards those people on the internet that are always there for them.

After that deep few paragraphs i would like to point you in the direction of  some YouTubers that i enjoy watching and that have helped me in low points. The first one is Carrie Hope Flecter (itswaypastmybedtime), Carrie is the first You Tuber i subscribed to after watching her first Dear Tom video and then watching all of the songs she has covered. To this day she remains one of my favourite YouTubers. The next one is PetesJams the reason for subscribing to his channel in all honesty is that he loves Disney just like Carrie and his covers again are amazing. My third subscription was Patty Walters and the reason behind this is that his covers of some of my favourite songs were amazing and i admire that he is straight edge. Another person i would like to point you in the direction of is Emma Blackery, the reason i enjoy her videos is that she reminds me so much of myself. Another one of my subscriptions is SprinkleofGlitter, i love her videos as she always so cheery and often included baby glitter who is ever so cute. The final person and my most recent subscription is thisbedottie. I subscribed to her because her recent video was so deep and amazing just like the rest of her videos. So if your reading this and thinking hhmm i want to join this YouTube i would recommend all of the people i have just mentioned above.

So this brings me to the end of my very lengthy and deep post about one of my favourite things on the internet. I hope you have enjoyed this post and my thoughts about the things i have talked about. This post was inspired by all of the people i have mentioned in this post and other You tubers. Thank you for reading and feel free to leave a comment. until next time .... Goodbye!

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Dear Helen- Doctor Who Weekend


I am now back from all my holidays :). Monday was really good nice to act a bit random and not have a care in the world. Also was very good seeing the lovely David and Emily. I told you that Lush was Lush ;). Milton Keynes is a MUSTT!!! as we always have so much fun there and we can drag Tom round loads of girlie shops (nothing new there i know).

Okay i will do that post aswell although it might take me a while as i will have to condense my list as it is soooo long. also it might be on my 2nd blog i haven't decided yet :).

Well i guess the next thing that needs to be mentioned is DOCTOR WHO IS BACK !!!!. What did you think of the new doctor and the new series. Unfortunately i didn't get to watch all of it as i was in a caravan and people outside were quite interesting lol. But i have recorded it to watch again.

I think i am in need of a Disney/ Pixar marathon, mind you im always in the mood for Disney/Pixar. Fish are friends not food, Just keep swimming just keep swimming.

Thank you for all the Snapchat photos whilst i was on holiday some were amusing and the random doctor who quote texts were also good :)

I am going to bring it to an end now as i need to go and cook dinner, but until next time ... Fez's are cool, and fish fingers and custard ;)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Dear Helen - The week where i am slow at posting


As you know i haven't been able to post much this past week as i have been on holiday (yay!). I've just spent the last week in sunny Great Yarmouth; well i say sunny it was little sunny then a little rainy and then a little bit thunderstormy. However being the great people we are we sat in a cafe on the seafront and sat and watched the storm. I am posting a few posts this week as guess what ... im going on holiday again on Wednesday. 

My holiday has been good, ive done all the British seasidey things, such as: crazy golf (lost), Air Hockey (i won 3-1), 2p machines, ice cream, doughnuts and the must do thing at the seaside... fish and chips. I had one upsetting bit as you know but thanks to you, Amy and Nay (my two friends at home), Emily and Steph Sharman i soon felt a lot better and got myself back to the person i was a month ago (for those people that are confused i was completely loopy and now im back to that =D ). So i would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you again =D. 

I need you opinion (and everyone else's). I think i am going to start another blog on travelling. I thought i could write about places that i have been too and places that i would like to visit. What do you reckon?. 


I did manage to finish my blanket on time and made two pillow cases aswell :). I'm sorry to hear about your theory test but hey look on the bright side i have failed twice so now we can help each other out. I reckon that you can count your trip to Leicester as your second holiday after all you will be in a different county. Remember we need to save up this year to go and see Les Miserabels, but i was thinking that we could go down a lot sooner and get last Min tickets to see some other shows too. We could also keep and eye out for concerts :).

I'm running out of things to say now so im going to go and drink my cup of tea, and in the spirit of our conversation i will leave a cool video. 

Hasta Luego!


Helloo readers, hope you have all had a good week. This blog post is going to be about a band that is a supergroup. This supergroup is made up of 2 of my faveurate bands from my childhood. These two bands my friends are McFly and Busted, who joined forces to create the one and only McBusted.

This year McFly celebrated their 10th anniversary and marked it with a stunning performance at the Royal Albert Hall. During this performance the fans were treated to a special appearance by Busted members James Bourne and Matt Willis. During their surprise appearance Busted along with McFly sang  3 songs: Year 3000, Air Hostess and Shine a Light. This then sparked rumours of a comeback for Busted.

On November 11th 2013 McBusted announced a 11 date tour in 2014. On the 14th November 2013 the tickets went on sale and within minutes they had sold out. This led to the band announcing six more tour dates which then sold out just as quickly. On the 17th November they added another four bringing the total dates up to 20. Not long after this more dates were added finally bringing up the total to 34 tour dates.

Shortly after this McBusted made their first television appearance on Children in Need singing a medley of songs.

On the 20th May, i got the amazing opportunity to see the boys in concert with my amazing friend (it was the best 21st birthday present i could have wished for). We saw them play at Nottingham and it lived up to the expectation we had built up the months before hand.

The atmosphere as we walked into the arena was immense and you could feel the excitement from all the people in the crowd, and everyone in the crowd that we spoke to was lovely and very well mannered which made the experience so much better.

The 3 support acts were good but the best of the 3 were Hollywood Ending (i will do a separate post on these later on). After they had performed it was finally time for MCBUSTED. Entering in a delorean Matt and James were the first to enter the stage and with a puff of smoke and some trap door up popped Mcfly.

One of the best bits of the concert was when they were on their spaceship in the middle of the arena and Dougie interacted with the crowd. (Dougie and Matt are my fave). Whilst on the spaceship Dougie's guitar broke and someone was invited to go and play bass with him ( this was then immediately shot down by security as it was deemed dangerous).

Finally after many more hits by the boys and Jackson 5 the best song in my opinion was played (year 3000) and with this came confetti cannons, and epicness (what else to expect from one of their biggest songs during their combined years in the music business).

This brings me to the end of this post, i hope you have enjoyed it and that my photography skills weren't too bad. I had to limit this post as i could have written much more about the tour because it was so good. So this is me signing off as im going to the Year 3000 to Crash a wedding.. (i hope you liked what i did there ;) )

Thursday, 7 August 2014

Avengers Age of Ulton

Hello wonderful readers. For this blog post i thought that i would do something different i am writing this post on the new avengers film coming out in April next year. So if you are a fan of anything to do with Marvel or just one or two of the Marvel films (captain America is my favourite) then stick around because this post might just be for you.

The first instalment of this film entitled Avengers Assemble (in the uk) was one of the biggest hits in 2012. In this film superheroes Iron man, Capitan America, Hulk, Thor, Black Widow and HawkEye are brought together by Nick Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D to help protect the world from Loki (Thor's brother). It ultimately ends with S.H.I.E.L.D being destroyed. This leads on to the much awaited sequel.

In the second movie Tony Stark (Iron Man) creates Ultron, a self swear, self teaching artificial intelligence who can asses threats and control Stark's iron legion. However the main plot begins when Ultron decides that humans are the main enemy and sets out to eradicate them from earth.

When talks of a squeal to the Avengers the villain was going to be Thanos, however Ultron was decided to be the better choice. One of the main reasons for this was that Thanos was never meant to be the next villain as he has always been the overlord of villainy and darkness. Director Joss Whedon described Ulton as the perfect villain as he always has a bee in his bonnet and hes always trying to destroy the Avengers.

This film will mark the first Marvel Cinematic Universe appearance of Thor without Loki and Erik Selvig. This film differs a little from the Marvel comics as in the comics Ultron is created by Ant-Man but in the film it will be created by Tony Stark.

So this brings me to the end of this post, i hope you enjoyed this little insight to the film. I hope that it has been informative but mysterious and i hope all of you that are superhero geeks (like me and all my friends at uni) will be quieng up to see this film. This is me signing off but i think the last line will be fitting if it came from Nick Fury so here we go ........ Until such time as the world ends, we will act as though it intends to spin on.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Dear Helen - The one where i have a new family member

Hello my friend

I am back again, OMG How to train your dragon 2 is AMAZINGG!! seen it twice lol, and Toothless has to be the best character. I cant believe that we will soon be trusted to teach a whole class of children, somehow that seems weird to me but im sure that we will be awesome CLASS WARRSSSS !!!! :P.

I didn't know we were having a Christmas theme birthday party but now when i think about it, that would be pretty awesome :).

Something very exciting happened this week, you can probably tell by the title. I HAVE A NEW BABY COUSIN =). She is so adorable and cant wait to see her tomorrow. (she is going to be so spoilt at Christmas)


I hope you enjoyed your shopping trip and didn't buy too much ( but you secretly know that i hope you bought loads, have to keep up appearances ;) ) I cant wait to go shopping when i come back to Northampton its going to be good. Also i think that Me, You, Tom, David and Emily are long over due a cinema trip or an indoor/outdoor BBQ.


You might notice by now that i am running out of things to say now. ohh i forgot to say that my Dear Helen blogs might be a bit delayed for the next 2 weeks as i am going on holiday so will have to wait till i have an internet connection ;).

So i am going to leave it there for this week, i hope you enjoyed this random post. I'm going to watch the last day of the Commonwealth Games (we are do well =) ) .. and as its the last day of the Games in Scotland i will leave you a relatable video ;) ...

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Dear Helen - The one where i fly birds

Its that time again, Dear Helen post number 2 .. here it goes. 


Esperons votre profiter du beau temps. (i can speak French me :D ). Hope you have had a good weekend, and i know that your thinking wow she is writing this early. I do have a reason for this, and that is that i had a really good few days and had to write it all before i forgot it. (and you know me that wont take very long :p).  High five back for getting around to writing these :). 

we definitely  need more trips abroad or at least road trips to the seaside haha or a day trip the that London. i will send you a pic of my hair eventually im waiting for it to fade a bit as it looks more black than blue haha. I think dragging Tom and David shopping is a must when we get back (even if they don't want to go haha) and the intimation game is a MUST (Benneditch Cumberbatch)

So where to start well Thursday i went toy shopping in ToysRus and it was AMAZING (im a kid at heart) and they had some really cool avengers stuff and loads of Frozen stuff (Do you wanna build a snowman :p) and the best of all LEGO MOVIE (Can i marry a marshmallow :P). And of course i had to buy the Lego movie :). 

I finally watched Magic Mike this week and i have to say it was very good ( ALEX PETTYFER). And i have made significant progress on my baby cousins pressie :) 

Yesterday i had the best experience ever... i flew a Harris Hawk and i held an eagle owl (it was big and heavy) and i held a cute barn owl. It was such a good day and all of the birds were so cute. I also spent the day in Stratford and bought 3 books (who can resist when in Stratford :p). You, Tom and David would have loved the Time Warp shop that i went in (It had a life size Darlek in the window :o) it was soo cool full of superhero things and Doctor who things. 

Well i think thats enough random rambeling from me i hope you have enjoyed this blog until next time my friend... Afscheid                      

Thursday, 24 July 2014

The Tudors (2007)

Hello again everybody. Its that time again, it time for another post (yay!). For this one i am going back to trivia, however i am doing it this week on one of my favourite historical tv dramas. That my friends is The Tudors.

The Tudors is about the years of the rule of one of in my opion the greatest monarchs and dynasty's in history. Within this series it follows all the major events that took place during his reign such as the dissolution of the mositries and the down fall of the catholic church. It is both gripping and dramatic at the same time and the best bit is that we get to see a lot of Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Henry Cavill; and for you people of the male gender well you have Natalie Dormer.

The first interesting fact for you is one that you might already know if you looks at a picture of the Tudors. The T in the logo is three fold, the first stands for Tudor, the second is a cross and the third is a sword pointing downwards.

As you may already know Henry VIII is notorious for having six wives during his 38 years as king of England. One interesting fact about the TV drama is that they spelt all the names of his six wives correctly.

One of the Characters that makes his first appearance due to the change in religion of the country at the time is Thomas Cromwell. He is present mainly during the dissolution of the monasteries and introduced both Boylen and Henry to the fantastic and very new books of the time, one being the obedience of the Christian man. Whilst on the subject of Cromwell, James Farain (who plays him) later went on the play Lord Warwick on the mini series The White Queen (2013), which focuses on Henry's grandmother Elizabeth Woodvillie. He also played a prominent role as the Spanish ambassador in Elizabeth (1998) a movie that chronologically takes place after this series.

The series shows nearly all of the interesting facts that we know about the Tudor dynasty. One such fact is that Edward Stafford, 3rd Duke of Buckingham lays claim to the English crown by being the descendent of Edward II.

During his reign, Henry had many affairs as his main goal was to produce a male heir. One affair that is portrayed perfectly during the TV series is that with Bessie Blount. She was unmarried and had Henry's son Henry Fitzroy. He died in 1536 shortly after Anne Bolyen's execution and he was 17 years old.

So this brings me to the end. I hope that you have enjoyed this post and i hope it has been very informative but not too nerdy (im a little bit of a history geek). So i bid a due and remember as Henry says during the show, You think you know a story, but you only know how it ends. To get to the heart of the story, you have to go back to the beginning.                                        

Monday, 21 July 2014

Dear Helen - The week where i get covered in paint

Hello wonderful people, yes you have guessed it i am starting a new series again (i like to keep things fresh). This idea came to me and my friend whilst sitting in the sun on the lovely island of Crete. We decided as we are uni students that live in different counties and it is now summer will would write to each other on our blogs to keep in contact and share funny stuff, and you guys can come along for the ride. So to follow the story your going to have to go over to my friend Helen's blog at, we will try our best to be funny and insightful but we are very random so if you enjoy being random this series is definitely for you. So lets get started.


I hoped you liked the introduction to this i thought i should warn people that we are a little bit mad and crazy lol.
So this week has been a little chaotic for me, as my brother has bought as house is moving out (I GET MY ROOM BACK :) ) which means i have been painting, painting, painting ohh and more painting. So if you've got any painting to do im well trained ;) .

The past week i also managed to finally unpack from the holiday, however if i open my wardrobe you may never see me again lol ( i think i am a little addicted to shopping haha ). But then again can a girl ever have too many clothes ;) .

Since we came back holiday i haven't really been up to much, but i have dyed my hair blue, so i can now say that my hair has been every colour which is cool now to start going two toned. i have also perfected some of my cooking skills so you guys will be my guinea pigs when we get back to uni, and at the end of the day what else will make dissertation writing go more smoothly than tasty treats :).

I am enjoying being at home and having my dog, she such a cutie. Although she has a habit of getting me completely soaked when i give her a bath haha.

Well that is about it for this blog, oh next time i see you i have something to tell you that i think you might like ;). Hope your enjoying the weather and the little kids at work are not too much trouble :p ( im sooo nice like that haha ). Would you like a jelly baby :).

This is me signing off, remember if you want to follow the story go over to in the next few days :).. and one more thing always remember that Fez's are cool

Sunday, 20 July 2014

Movie Trivia - Lion King

 Yes you have guessed it, its time for a new series on this blog and as you can see by the title its movie trivia. To start off this new series i have decided to write it about one of my favourite Disney films, and as this October it will be the 20th anniversary this post is on the Lion King.

So i guess the best piece of trivia to start with is that it still holds the record for being the highest grossing traditionally animated film in history, still 20 years on it has beaten some of the greats like A bugs life and Pocahontas. It was also the highest grossing movie in 1994 and second in the United States behind Forrest Gump.

The next really interesting fact is that the scene of the wildebeest stampede took Disney's CG department 3 years to animate in total, and i dont know about you guys but i think all the time spent on the scene was well spent. The production team that worked on the Lion King was known as Disney's team B and were given the job to be kept busy while their team A was working on Pocahontas as the production had much higher hopes of doing well, i bet they are regretting that decision now, i think the thing to say here is well done team B you did an amazing job.

many of the song from the Lion King have become very famous and well known Disney songs of all time, and whilst we are on the subject of the songs did you know that during 'Be Prepared' the hyenas marching past Scar on the elevated rock was originally inspired by footage of Nazis marching by Adolf Hitler on a podium during world war 2.

Another cool fact i would like to throw your way is that the Lion King was the first Disney film to be dubbed into Zulu.

The last fact i would like to share with you lovely people is that the story was loosely based on Shakespeare's story of Hamlet. As the story was of a young prince whose uncle takes over the kingdom and marries the queen after killing the prince's father. After being taken away from home for a period of time, these events lead to the prince's plans for revenge. The prince receives some advice from his father's ghost. Also one last little fun fact, when Zazu is singing 'ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts' scar has a skull in his hand (an iconic image of Shakespeare's Hamlet).

Thank you for reading this blog post and hope you all enjoyed the new series. Please feel free to comment below fore suggestions and fell free to share and social network sites. Enjoy the weather ... Au Revior.

Monday, 7 July 2014

Disney Pixar Conspiracy Theory's - Toy Story

Hello everyone. This blog post is the second in my series of conspiracy theories. This post is kind of following on from the Frozen theory, but i am moving to the side and focusing it on a Disney Pixar film. So i am focusing the blog this week on Toy Story.

Search though the web and watching some youtube videos i came across a very interesting theory. This theory is that Andy's mum is Emily, who was Jessie's original owner

So according to this theory it all started with a hat. more precisely the hat that Andy wears throughout the films. If you look at any of the stills from the film you can clearly see that they cowboy hat Andy wears is different to that of Woody's hat. So the question here is why would Andy not wear the same hat as his favourite toy, unless the hat was given to him by somebody like his mum.

I know your thinking at the minute, wait but he could have got the hat from anywhere it doesn't prove anything. However if you then take a closer look at the hat that Jessie wears and the hat Andy wears you will notice to only difference apart from the size obviously it that there is a missing white band on Andy's hat.

Now if we dive into Jessie's story. Jessie was owned by a girl called Emily, and she loved her just like Andy loves woody even have a matching hat. eventually Emily grew up and gave Jessie away meaning she was in storage for a long time. While Jessie is telling her story in toy story 2 we see that Emily's room starts off looking old fashioned and it goes through changes including a flower power/ disco stage which could mean that this was during the 60s/70s meaning that Emily owned her long before Andy was born. Also when we see Emily put Jessie in the donation box the hat is noticeably not there. So this could mean that Emily passed it on the her oldest child (Andy).

Another bit of evidence is that we never get to know what Andy's mum's real name is and we never get to know what Emily's last name is and it and we all know how capable pixar are putting in an underlying story with out being overly overt about it all.

So that brings me to the end of the Toy Story theory. I would really appreciate it if you guys would share this and i would love to interact with some of you and let me know what you think about this series. Also if there is anything you guys would like to read please comment and i will try my best to do all you suggestions. Thank you again for reading.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Disney Conspiracy Theory's - Frozen

Hello everyone, today sees the introduction of a new series to my blog. This new series is conspiracy theories, not just Disney but any film or TV show. For the first one in this series i have chosen to do it on a Disney film that i have come to know inside and out, Frozen.

Okay so the theory in a nutshell is that Frozen, the little mermaid, Tangled and Tarzan are all connected.

The first glimpse of Tangled and Frozen being connected is during the scene where the palace gates open and Anna sings First time in forever; in this scene Anna runs past Rapunzel and Flynn Ryder from Tangled. In this scene Rapunzel has the same hair style as she does at the end of Tangled so from this we can assume that Frozen is in fact set after Tangled. Another fact that solidifies this part of the theory is that 3 years before this scene, Anna's parents die in an ill fated accident at sea on the way to a wedding (Rapunzel and Flynn). Also it is a bit of a coincidence that Frozen was released nearly exactly to the day 3 years after Tangled. The last fact is that the king in Frozen and the Queen in Tangled look very similar which means they could be siblings which means that Rapunzel is Elsa and Anna's cousin.

So now we go further on in the theory. Remember above i said that Elsa and Anna's parents died on a ship at sea. Now cast your mind to the little mermaid, Arial explores a sunken ship that resembles the ship that Anna's parents were on. This theory goes even further to try and solidify this link. Frozen is rumoured to be set in Norway and Tangled is said to be set in Germany. For the parents to get from Norway to Germany you would have to sail past Denmark, which is rumoured to be the place where the little mermaid is set. Another fact to link the two films together is that the story of frozen is based on the the story of The snow queen written by Hans Christian Andersen, and the Little Mermaid was written also by  Hans Christian Andersen and in Copenhagen (his birthplace) there is the Little Mermaid statue.

However to explain how these two films link to Tarzan im going to again throw you off course. I personally don't have much belief in this part of the theory but i am going to present it so you the reader can make up you own mind about it. So Tarzan parents where in a shipwreck off the coast of Africa, which means for them to be Elsa and Anna's parents their ship wouldn't have sailed past Denmark but near the Caribbean islands. This means that the Little Mermaid would have to be set near the Caribbean and not Denmark. One fact to help this theory be plausible is the fact that Sebastian (Arial's lobster friend) speaks with a Jamaican accent. However looking at the pictures of the King and Queen from Frozen and Tarzan's parents there are hardly any similarities.

So that's the end of the theory, i hope you enjoyed reading it and i hope i haven't ruined your childhood, please comment below if you want to add anything or if you think i have missed anything out. I would just like to say this is not my personal theory i just thought it was interesting and wanted to share it. You can also comment below if you would like me to do a post on anything in particular and i will try and do it for you guys. Thanks again for reading.

Monday, 30 June 2014

Demi Lovato

Hello again. So i am back for my 5th blog post and this time you will be pleased to know i am dedicating this one to a musician. This blog has been considerably delayed and i would like to take a second to apologise to all my readers but i hope i will be forgiven as i was on the lovely island of Crete on holiday with two very good friends of mine.

As this is my first post about a musician i chose to write about somebody that i have followed the career of since she released her first single, and still remain a massive fan to this day. As you can see from the title it is Demi Lovato.

Demi's career took off back in 2008 when she was singed to the Disney channel and played the title role in their new musical movie Camp rock; in which she stared opposite the Jonas brothers. Along with the lead in this very successful DCOM (Disney Channel Original Movie) Demi signed a recording contract with Hollywood Records. That September Demi released her debut album Don't Forget which sold 530,000 copies. In this year Demi appeared on the Jonas Brothers Burning Up Tour.

Don't Forget 
Camp Rock 

In 2009 Demi along with friends the Jonas Brothers, Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus recorded the charity single send it on and later that year Demi's new sitcom Sonny with a chance premiered on the Disney channel. In the June of this year she appeared along life time friend Selena Gomez in Princess Protection Programme which was the 3rd highest grossing DCOM.

Princess protection program
Sonny with a chance 

In July 2009 Demi released her second album titled Here we go  and prior to the release promoted it on tour. On her Here we go tour  she had 3 support acts the most famous being David Archuleta, later in the year Lovato and Archuleta was awarded the Teen choice award for Choice music tour.

In 2010 Lovato recorded her second charity single with Joe Jonas titled Make a Wave. In the same year she headlined her first international tour and appeared as a special guest on the Jonas Brothers Live Concert. later in this year she landed a role on Grays autonomy  as a schizophrenic patient. later in this year she reprised her role in Camp rock for its second instalment.

In October 2010 Demi was reported to having assaulted a back up dancer on tour and was checked into a a treatment facility for physical and emotional issues. later in January 2011 she completed her treatment and returned home. Later she acknowledged to having suffered from Bulimia, Self-harm, Self medicating with drugs and alcohol. During the process of her treatment she was diagnosed with have bipolar disorder. This led to Lovato putting her acting career on hiatus.

Later in this year demi released her 3rd album titled Unbroken. The song titled Skyscraper on this album won the best video with a message at the 2012 MTV video music awards. In March of this year MTV aired a documentary titled Stay Strong which was about Lovato's rehab and recovery journey. During May of this year she was hired as a second judge on the American version of X factor. In 2013 Demi released her 4th album titled Demi and wrote a book titled Staying Strong:365 Days a Year. 

Demi's 4th album 

Later on in the year Demi signed up to Glee for 6 episodes in season 5. In these episodes she played a struggling New York musician and becomes good friends with Santana (Naya Rivera), Rachael (Lea Michelle), Kurt (Chris Colfer) and Elliot ( Adam Lambert). In October of this year Demi recorded and released the title song from the Disney film Frozen and early in 2014 she embarked on her Neon lights tour.
Demi on the set of Glee with Naya Riva 

Throughout her career Demi has been an inspiration to young people all over the world and when the news broke about her being an inpatient at a treatment facility her fans bound together and supported her through it all. To this day she is one of the most inspirational musicians in my opinon and i can sense there is much more to come from this brilliantly talented musician.

Demi in 2014 

Friday, 13 June 2014

Miracle Run (The Unexpected Journey) (2004)

Hello again people of planet earth, i am back with my 4th post. I know this one has come a bit later than the others but i hope you enjoy it just as much. So this time i am bringing you another film review. This film is one that again is very close to my heart as it shows people dealing with an issue that everyone else is society sees as a problem. As the title suggests it is called Miracle Run ( The Unexpected Journey ).

Miracle run was originally aired in 2004 and is a Lifetime television film. This film kick started the careers of actors such as Zac Efron and Bubba Lewis, it was also a iconic film as it showed the struggle of a mother with autistic children.

The film begins with Corrine (Mary-Louise Parker) taking her 2 sons Stephen ( Zac Efron) and Philip (Bubba Lewis) to see several doctors until she finds out that her sons have autism. Philip has echolalia, which is where he repeats words that he hears people say. Stephen is opposite and is completely mute. When Corrine takes the boys shopping, viewers start to see the struggle she goes through. Whilst in the supermarket the boys start to act out and start screaming, during the commotion other parents start to look at Corrine as a bad mother. Upon learning about the boys condition Corrine's live in boyfriend leaves her as he cant face bringing up children with a mental disability.

After this Corrine moves the boys to another town and enrols them in the local school, however the children and teachers in the school are puzzled by the boys behaviour. When they display undesirable behaviour Corrine is summoned to a meeting with the headteacher and several psychiatrists where she learns that her boys are not fit for mainstream school and they have to go to a special school. The hospital then send a learning specialist to see the boys to help prepare them for normal society. With the help of the specialist Philip expands his vocabulary and Stephen says his first word which is pizza.

After teaching the boys the specialist moves to another city, however the boys continue to flourish socially, verbally and academically. The film the moves forward to high school. At this point the boys still have characteristics of autism such as robotic like voices and sensitivity to loud noises. Whilst walking in the hall Stephen catches the eye of a Jennifer, then we see him talking to Philip in the bathroom where he says 'maybe she will be my girlfriend', then an older boy mocks him and pushes both of the boys. As the boys struggle to deal with it the act out and start screaming.

After being convinced to go to lunch, Jennifer decides to sit with the boys. This is when Stephen notices people jogging and joins the cross country team. Further on through the film we see the Philip discovers he has a new found talent for the guitar and gets into a music school  by auditioning over the phone. The film then goes on to Stephen's big race. before  the race Stephen sees Jennifer kissing another boy. This hurts Stephen and his mother finds him sitting on the grass clutching a poem he had written her. After some kind words Stephen realises he has to move on and joins in the race to win.

It is after this that Corrine finds the Miracle Run foundation for research into autism, Stephen gives a speech about how his mother helped him and his brother deal with going through life with autism.

This film shows how hard bringing up children with autism is, and how some people have narrowed views about the children. For parent of autistic children or anyone who comes into contact with someone on the spectrum it shows how certain strategies can be used. What makes this film even better is that it is based on a true story. If i had to rate this film i would give it 10 out of 10, as it nails all the stereotypes and give a brilliant and insightful look into the life of a family who's children are autistic.

Thank you for reading this and i hope you go on to watch to movie. If anybody wants to watch it but can not find it simply comment and i will post the link.

Monday, 9 June 2014

Cyberbully (2011)

Welcome readers and thank you for you continued reading. For this blog post I am steering away from soap land and moving in the direction of film-land (well it’s a TV film/movie but it still counts I reckon).  The film that has caught my attention this week is called Cyberbully. I watched this on Netflix and it was one of the best films I have watched in a while.

Cyberbully was released on the American TV network ABC in July 2011. As the title suggests this TV film tells the story of a teenage girl who gets bullied online. ABC family worked with the critically acclaimed Seventeen magazine so that they could be sure that the right audience were tackled by the drama. Seventeen magazine hoped that it would help to ‘delete the digital drama’.

Now for the plot, like any good film this has a gripping and real storyline. It begins with the main protagonist Taylor (Emily Osment) talking to her friend Samantha (Kay Panabaker) online making an innocent comment about one of the people in her class, Lindsey, in which she takes offence at. Taylor is a teenage girl who is being raised with her brother by her single mother, and on her 17th birthday she receives a laptop from her mum. She is grateful for this as it means that she can go online without her mum watching her every time, and this is where things start to go wrong. 

At this point I would like to put a little warning your way, if you read on there may be some spoilers but I strive to provide as much detail as possible, as besides spoilers are kind of my trademark (not in a bad way I just do the research so others don’t have to).

The plot starts to hit home with teenagers and parents when Taylor is asked out by one of her classmates Scott ( Jon McLaren), her two best friends react in different ways. Samantha doesn't like Scott as one of his friends dumped her; however Cheyenne (Meaghan Rath) is happy for her. Taylor soon becomes a victim of cyberbullying when her brother hacks her social networking profile and post a defamatory message about his sister, to which the kids at school start to comments that start to become nasty resulting in Taylor not being able to face going to school.

A contributing factor that results in Taylor not being able to face school is when she meets a guy called ‘James’ online. At first he is nice to her, as time goes one she finds that he post that she has slept with him and given him an STD. this then results in Taylor receiving even more nasty comments. This all finally gets too much for Taylor when she posts a video saying that she cannot longer cope with the torment and that she wants to end it all. Luckily Samantha sees this video and rushes over to Taylor’s house to find her attempting to overdose on pills however she cannot remove the cap.

This act of attempted self-harm sees Taylor admitted to the hospital as she is diagnosed with depression. Worried her mother tells her to go to a support group she has found, and she does her best to fight the system to get a law passed that will save others from going through the same as Taylor. At the support group Taylor learns that she is not the only one going through the hell of cyberbullying, someone closer to her is going through the exact same thing; her classmate Caleb (Jade Hassoune) (although he is being targeted for being gay).
Through this group Taylor becomes stronger, and later throughout the film she finds out who is behind it all. Samantha reveals herself to be ‘James’, however it seems that this then makes her a target herself. After the both of them doing a newspaper article telling their story Taylor, her mum and Samantha finally get the good news they have been waiting for, a paper is being passed to make it an offence to bully a minor on the internet.

This finally leads me to the end of the film where we see that the 3 friends have rekindled the friendship and the 3 of them along with Scott and Caleb stand up to the bullies. This film in my opinion is a well thought out film and it speaks to a whole generation that has grown up on the internet, and also it speaks to the parents who may not be aware of the dangers of the internet. If I was to rate this film, in my honest opinion I would give it 9/10 as it is such a moving film that can be used as a learning tool both at home and in the classroom.